In the deep end with Dr Sketchy’s

Well, following on from my thoughts on the last Dr Sketchy’s Anti-Art School about overcrowding, it seems that they were listening, and set a limit on the number of tickets available for May’s class. This made for a more pleasant atmosphere for the theme this time round – Water World. And, as you’d expect, there was an aquatic or maritime feel to the burlesque performances, starting with performance by host the Decandent Gent of The First Lord’s Song from HMS Pinafore by Gilbert and Sullivan getting things off to a roaring start. The Gent was himself then treated to a surprise dance by Mysti Vine (of whom more later) to celebrate his birthday (in front of his mum, nan and gran, no less).

After the Gent regained his composure, we moved on to the first set of the night – a slightly nervous Trixie Rose, in a saucy sailors outfit. Theme for the drawing was ‘South Seas’, hence the desert island backdrop in my sketch. Trixie was followed by Ruby Fortune, bizarrely emerging from a shark, hence the Jaws scene referenced here, but giving me a chance to try out my new set of PITT Artist Brush Pens. Next up was Ditzy Diamond with her Beatles inspired routine – starting with Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, before tripping off into Yellow Submarine (with submarine costume). The final girl to perform was the aforementioned Mysti Vine, who did a wonderful Jolly Roger balloon popping set (which probably broke one or two regulations, but that’s another story…) for which I won the prize  – an inflatable fish from Finding Nemo, and her pose had a harbour theme. To round things off we had a pose from Ruby Fortune and Ditzy Diamond, and finally a pose with Trixie Rose and Mysti Vine. There are loads of photos over here (including a couple of me – eek!).

All in all a great afternoon’s drawing and burlesque! Roll on the next one – X Files on the 25th July.

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